Jesus Still Heals Blinded Eyes
August 3, 2023, 9:00 PM

This is too much for a text thus the link to this blog.


Those that were at church last night, Aug 2, 2023, not only experienced an incredible move of God's Spirit but BLINDED EYES ARE STILL BEING HEALED BY JESUS!!!

I felt to have Bro. Crenshaw come up at the end of the service to pray for his eyes and then felt the Holy Ghost instruct me to have Conner get oil on both of his thumbs and lay his thumbs over Bro. Crenshaw's eyes.

When everyone started praying, an anointing fell on Conner as he was trembling under the power of the Holy Ghost...Sis. Crenshaw said she looked and there was a glow resting on him. You're never too young or too old to be used of the Lord...just an obedient heart that is a willing vessel to be used by God!  Oh the need to be in God's house every service never knows when the Lord has prepared your blessing and we miss it.  With the sweet Psalmist David I say may I dwell in the House of the Lord forever!

Long story short, this morning the Crenshaws loaded their trailer and as they pulled out, Sis. Crenshaw asked Bro. Crenshaw if she needed to drive because his sight was so diminished that he had no longer been able to drive and only had little sight left. He said he realized he was seeing, could see way down the road, could see all around in his peripheral vision and ended up doing all of the driving today!  

A large portion of his sight was restored last night in nothing short of a miracle!!!


Let's not just have faith...let's start EXPECTING God to be the God His Word says He is....Healer, Deliverer, Savior, Helper, Joy, Peace....

There's more coming!!!

THE BEST IS YET TO COME in Jesus Name!!!

FLC, keep the fire burning on the altar...many more incredible things in God's Spirit is ahead of us....

God is just getting started among us!!!

Love you all!
