In My Father's House - Basic Bible Study series
We are glad that you have chosen to look thru these Bible studies. They are designed to be foundational studies to help us be more Christ-like and pleasing to Him. It is the Holy Word of God that gives us the foundation upon which to build a life pleasing to God and to ultimately hear Him say "Well done" so that we may spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
Feel free to email with any questions and someone will promptly get back with you. We do not desire to argue the Bible but rather want to humbly look at the Scriptures for truth that would make us ready and prepared for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ for those that have made themselves pure, clean and ready to meet Him. We feel it would be much better to err on the side of a conservative walk with God and make it to Heaven rather than to push boundries to see how far we can stretch the truths of God's Word and not be pleasing to Him and be lost for eternity.
These studies were scanned front and back leaving the pages out of order. We wanted to point out that the pages will need to be put in order after you have printed them. Sorry for the inconvenience.
We hope you gain something positive from these studies and pray the Lord's blessings upon you and your family!
God bless,
FLC Pastoral team